May 15, 2012

Favicon and Logo

I will start drawing the favicon for this blog soon, and also, I'll draw the logo.

May 14, 2012

Lights, Camera...Attack!

It appears we have some more research from 4G network. It's about lights.

Ultra-Violet (C) Light

There are three types of UV rays, UVA, UVB, and UVC. Although UV light is invisible to humans, it is very dangerous to be exposed to it, especially UVC. In some fictionous jungles, UVC is known to be a sickly, nasty, blue-green color. Victims of UVC light have experienced skin redness and eye irritation. The most dangerous thing about this light is that it highly energetic and can burn skin.

Loud Sounds

If a victim of any of these lights makes a very loud sound, such as screaming, things are expected to happen. Small, winged animals might make an attack, and there is a high probability of a lightning bolt war or hairy tentacle tickling-to-death.

May 13, 2012

We've Gotten More Feedback!

I, N, have showed the blog to my friend, and she really likes the blog. As you can see on the sidebar at Followers, she has followed this blog. Her feedback is down below. My uncle also had something to say.

That 10 chapters is really funny.
Sounds exactly like you all.

Sondos's profile photo
lol its funnyhey send me new update of zoe and bo

May 12, 2012

After Hakrin...Morphology

Haa, tulaa, Tommy! Jangan pegi kat air Hakrin! (Translation: That's what you get, Tommy! Don't go in Hakrin water!)

His morphing changed him quite a lot, huh?

Our Uncle

I shared the story with my uncle this morning, and me and H and J-ski had lots o' fun with the story. Our uncle edited the story a bit, and then he had to go to bed. So yeah. But he said the story is funny.

May 11, 2012

About, 2,000 Words More 'Till 10,000

We now have 25 pages and 8,447 words! About 2,000 more words until we reach 10,000! To be approximate, 2,553 words more.

There are still 10 chapters. If we're aiming for 30 chapters, we'll probably have about...37,494 words in all.

I didn't do any math; those are just random numbers.


Hup, 2, 3, 4! We Know What We're Aiming For!

We sure do! We're aiming for about 30 chapters. That's a big goal! It'll be worth it though when we might publish it. I don't know about that. H says we're going to publish it. (H, if you read this, don't say you didn't say that!)


May 9, 2012

Experiences with Hakrin Water

I've taken little excerpts from In the Jungle. They are all about our characters' experiences with Hakrin.

Bo shuffled to the stream, and was just about to jump in when suddenly...

Bo screamed in horror as a green, muddy hand popped out of the stream with a loud and upsetting SPLORPP.
The hand slithered out of the water and wrapped itself around Bo’s neck. Bo was too wimpy to keep himself on shore, so he was pulled into the muddy water.

Zoe looked at everybody in horror. Then, with a most determined expression, she leaped into the water.
Tommy, Faysaham and Mahasyaf waited for her to come back up.

Guess what?

She never did.

Tommy gasped.

Tommy gasped.

Tommy gasped.

Tommy fainted, and rolled into the stream.

Mahasyaf’s lips wobbled as he screamed. His legs slowly slipped out from under him. Faysaham’s arms slowly reached out as he yelled. Maysahaf reached for Faysaham. their paws brushed, but all was lost. Maysahaf splashed into the murky depths of the water.
“NO! NOOOOOOOOO!” Faysaham howled.

The python strained all his muscles
They were almost there!
Mahasyaf burst out of the water. But as for the snake, it floated down, eyes glazed as it settled deep down into the mud.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Faysaham screamed and lunged forward, again.
Quickly he ran around the jungle again and yelled for another python.


We now have a count of 19 pages and 6,416 words! There are ten chapters now.
We also have a very interesting science fact about Hakrin water, a deadly poison. From 4G network.


Hakrin water is formed from when water touches Hakrin, a brown substance. Many people mistake Hakrin for mud, but in reality it isn’t. When Hakrin touches water, the water’s molecules get morphed and the Hakrin contaminates the water. Hakrin is known to be a deadly poison which first knocks someone unconscious after 5 seconds exposure to it, then kills from 10 - 30 minutes. If you see someone who is unconscious from Hakrin water, then immediately call 911 for help.

And also, a very important warning for creatures that do not come from planet Earth.

Effects on Extraterrestrial Beings

If a creature that does not come from planet Earth stands over Hakrin water, strange things are known to happen, such as loss of their Extraterrestrial powers, headaches, and body morphing.

That's it for today, folks!

Until then, stay tuned and stay away from the evils of Hakrin water!

We've gotten feedback!

Hello there!
Me, H, has shown a chapter to a person who has never heard, seen or read about Zoe and Bo before. His first comment was

Name Undisclosed
nice sense of humor

Name Undisclosed
is it you
who wrote this
or u r just the one editing it

I answered that stuff, then:

isn't it hilarious?

And he was like..

Name Undisclosed
how do u come up with all those stuff?
yea it is

So basically since he liked the story, you're going to love it. Be patient, and the story should come very soon!

May 7, 2012


The story's a big hit! Laughs in very chapter, I should think.

Chapter 8 is the longest so far. We have 14 pages and a count of only, um.....4,781 words. And I thought we were above 10,000!

May 1, 2012


Hi there.

I'd like to talk about the seasons.

In Season 1, Zoe, Bo, and Tommy looked like this:
Aren't they ugly?

In Season 2, they looked like this. Way better.

But there was yet another problem. It was with Bo. His face was shaped funny. It looked like bread. So I changed it to a normal monkey face. That had to go into another season. So we welcomed Season 3.

He looks much better like that, huh?

Zoe before -- whoa, she's gotta do something about those flabs. She looks pretty grieved about them.
Zoe after -- wow, she did some pretty good exercise!

Bo before -- What a fatty!

Bo after -- his monkey jumping did some good!

Oooh, Tommy. There's no need to be so angry. It's just that you gotta lose some weight, boy!
Yes! That's right! Be happy! Those are some nice pounds you lost. You deserve that silver star that you put in the wrong place!

So, yes. Those are the seasons so far. I don't think there will be anymore because H just plum hates it when I draw the comic on the computer. He likes scanning. Eeekh! I think PowerPoint is much better. I'm thinking though, I can make the comic pages both with PowerPoint and paper-to-computer.